I am somewhat delusional.
Sometimes I imagine that with enough mental energy I would be able to do things that are well outside my physical capability. It wasn’t until I started training for a half-marathon last year that I realized the grave importance of discipline and training. Gusto and enthusiasm will only take your sorry frame so far.
For some reason, I thought it would be a great idea to go straight to Nicaragua without any kind of prep time. Looking back, this probably would have been like sitting on a couch for six months and then jumping up and running a half marathon. I could die. And if I didn’t I would be hurting pretty bad.
Right now I am halfway through a school in North Carolina called Center for Intercultural Training. The classes here apply to anyone entering into a different cultural context. There is so much stuff I have been learning here that it is like drinking out of a firehose. I scratch my head a lot and think ‘huh, hadn’t thought of that before’. I can already see how many of the things I’ve learned will help me avoid some common hangups missionaries often stumble into.
This is also a good time for me to process. It was hard saying goodbye to my family and friends. I have an entire month of time to bring this last season of my life to a close and prepare for the next one. Jumping straight in might have been a shock. Many missionaries end up coming home early and disillusioned because they did not take the time to count the cost. Right now I am preparing my mind and emotions for what’s ahead. I’ve been working on my Spanish, studying Nicaraguan history, and soaking in the excellent teaching here at CIT.
I was resistant to come to CIT at fist. I wanted to get down to Nicaragua right away. But this has all turned out to be better than I could have planned. I am so thankful that I didn’t jump right out of bed and into freezing water. I might have got some hard core missionary cramps.
God’s timing is perfect. Please keep praying for me that I would learn and retain the things I need for this coming year. Peace.